A new feature has gone live which is another stepping stone to larger site-wide features.
Private collections.
If you’ve wanted to create a collection but only wanted it to be available to a small group of people, you can now create a collection that can only be accessed if the full url is known.Most collections are public and can be seen by starting out with the url http://www.danceminder.com/coll/show/ and adding a number at the end representing the collection id. These numbers are sequential and so it would be easy for someone to browse through all the collections, even if they weren’t all listed on the collection page.
A private collection include an access key at the end which is randomly generated when the collection is made private.
Just check the ‘private’ box when creating or editing the collection and it will be hidden from most people unless the full url (with the access key at the end) is used.
Such as this one: http://www.danceminder.com/coll/show/41/3wmKWkjX
The only person who will always see the collection in various lists on DanceMinder is the person that created it.
Want to make sure your private collection isn’t showing up for normal users? Log out and you should see it disappear from the site listings.
Also, if you want to reset the collection key, maybe the url was released unintentionally, just make the collection public. Save the collection. Make it private and save again. Each time a collection is made private, a new key is generated.
Have any questions or comment? Let us know.