More updated videos! – Connemara Reel Set

The Connemara Reel Set is the latest video to get some work with color, sound and noise reduction changes.

Click here for the full playlist

Unfortunately, part of the intro drops into quality so bad I couldn’t do a lot with it though it’s still better than the source I had to work with.

You can find the videos on the Dance Minder YouTube channel.

By the way, if anyone has a copy of these tapes and can get a clean recording, I’d appreciate a copy.  I’ll even pay for your time.  In the meantime, I’ll keep working on the source I have.

What video is next?  I don’t know yet.  The next video will be the Cashel Set!

Video updates

With travel and Covid, things with DanceMinder have slowed to a crawl in the last few years but are now starting to gain some steam again.

There are a bunch of back-end changes on the way that will take some time but something I’ve been able to devote more time to is improving some of the videos I have from the Connie Ryan Series “Come Dance with me In Ireland – The Magic of Irish Set Dancing”

They’ve all had the video resolution increased, color correction and audio improvements.

You can find the videos on the Dance Minder YouTube channel.

DVD Review – Second Nature


Second Nature is a new Sean Nos (or “single turn dancing”) DVD out by Edwina Guckian featuring a variety of Sean Nos steps from and narratives about country Leitrim, Ireland.

Funded on kickstarter and launched in January 2015, the project met its goals two months later and started shipping in September 2015. Continue reading DVD Review – Second Nature

Opinion – Irish Music Session Dance Etiquette

20090728 Ireland - Dingle music reservation

You’re an Irish dancer and you’ve run across a music session in which the players have got some serious craic going on.  The music is making your feet move on their own and you can’t stand it anymore.  You’ve got to get up and dance.  You jump up, perhaps even pull some fellow dancers along and begin dancing.

But stop.  Before you head over to join the musicians, consider the following.

Continue reading Opinion – Irish Music Session Dance Etiquette