In preparation for a messaging system being added to DanceMinder, the user settings system has been overhauled.
Some settings you might not have been aware of are now collected into one place and a few new settings have been added that give you more control over what you see in DanceMinder.
A couple of settings in particular will be of interest to many of you. The default display for a dance. You can now set a sticky preference for seeing either the full or crib views for a dance without having to switch once you’re on a dance page. Choose “None” means that you’ll get the old behavior.
Any time you click on a link with just the name of a dance, it will be displayed using your current default. If you click on a link that takes you to a specific view, such as Show Crib View, you’ll get that view regardless of your preference.
You can also have DanceMinder save your latest choice as your new default whenever you view a dance using a specific view type. With this option checked, any time you click on a link that takes you to a specific view type (such as this one, Show Crib View) your sticky preference will change to Crib. This link Show Full View would change your preference to the Full view. This option is experimental so let us know how you like it.
The top menu bar has also changed to contain a link to your profile and the dance search page.
Run over to (you’ll need to be logged in) and take a look at all the available settings.