A small change has just gone live which is the display of the fun and difficulty rating for each dance on the listing page. If a dance has been rated, you’ll see either a face (fun) or a star (difficulty) with a number overlaid. We’ll be tweaking the difficulty icon soon to make it clearer but for the moment you can see the rating if you’re looking for dances based on fun level or difficulty.
Tag: dances
Black Hill Set added
A revived set dance the Black Hill Set has been added. If you have a video (or the video) of this set please let us know!
Haste to the Wedding added
The Irish ceili dance Haste to the Wedding has just been added. Enjoy!
Sorting collection items
We’ve just updated DanceMinder to allow full control over the order of items in a collection. This lets you decide how the items are listed. If the order isn’t important, you can leave the collection list as it ends up after you’ve added your dances or click on the ‘sort’ button to sort them alphabetically.
If you’re setting up a collection for an event where the order shows how the dances will be called/performed, you can move individual or groups of dances around in the list using the ‘Move up’ and ‘Move down’ buttons.
When you save the collection, the dance order will be set by how you see the dances listed in the collection list box.
New sets added South Kerry & Baile Bhúirne
Two new dances have been added to DanceMinder, the Baile Bhúirne Reel Set and the South Kerry Set.
Text searching added to DanceMinder
When on the dance listing page you can now enter text which will be used to refine the listing shown. For example, if you type in “clare” you’ll get a listing of all the dances with clare in the title or description.
If you want to filter out some of the results because there are just too many, not an issue yet but someday when there are hundreds of dances, you can add a minus ‘-‘ to the beginning of a word to tell DanceMinder to only include entries that don’t contain that word.
For example if you didn’t want the Birr set listed you could use “clare -birr” in the search box
Give it a try and please let us know if you have any comments or questions.
Blacktown Set
Another dance is available on DanceMinder. The Blacktown Set which has roots in several counties of Ireland. If you have any videos of this set please let us know!
Registered users of DanceMinder can comment, rate dances and download PDF versions. If you aren’t a member now, you can quickly create an account or log in with your Facebook, Google or Twitter account.
Customized home screen added
Because we can’t keep away from the computer on a cloudy Saturday we’ve customized the home screen a bit for you.
When you log in, DanceMinder will now show you what dances and collections have been added or modified since you last logged in.
As more feedback comes in for the new commenting system we’ll also start showing what comments have been added.
What’s a Collection?
A Collection on DanceMinder is simply a list of dances. These can be used as a series of dances for a public event, dances you’d like to study, dances for a class or for any purpose you like. A collection includes a description and a field for a location where you can put the name of a studio, hall or even town crossroads.
How do you enter a collection?
Glad you asked.
User Account Settings
If you’re not a member of DanceMinder you may be wondering what kind of information is saved as part of your account. Here’s a look at how to sign up and what information you need to supply and what’s optional.
The first step of course is to sign up. This can be done through the Account menu.
You’ll be taken to the Sign Up page where you can choose a User Name, password and where you can enter your email address.