New Dance – The Old Philadelphia Set

This is an odd bird of a set in that it mixes reels and marches in the final figure.  Also, unlike most modern sets this one uses the elbow ceili hold (right hand in right with the right elbows bent and the hands in front with left hands cupping your partner’s right elbow).

If anyone has any video of this set being danced, let us know!

The Old Philadelphia Set

Optimizations, visual tweaks and commenting

Several changes have gone live on DanceMinder in the last couple of days.  These include:

  • Back-end optimizations to so that dances come up faster.  We’re always looking for ways to make sure that when you select a dance, it shows up in your browser as quickly as possible.
  • Various styles have been tweaked to improve the presentation of the site.  Rather than listing them all here, it’ll be more fun to let you discover those as you use the site.
  • Commenting has been added.  It might seem odd to mention this last but while members can now add comments to dances or figures within dances, this is a bit of an experimental feature.  Use it as you will and let us know if there are any changes you would like.

When you’re viewing a dance you will see two kinds of icons. which indicates that the element of a dance (either the dance or a figure) has no comments. By clicking on the icon you’ll be given the chance to add some.

You’ll also see which indicates that there are already comments that have been added to the element.  By clicking the icon you’ll be shown those comments and given a field where you can enter new ones.

For the moment comments are added for public viewing un-moderated *gasp*.  This means that we expect our members to act like adults, not to post anything that they wouldn’t want their mothers or children to read and to treat each other with respect.

At the moment you can’t edit or delete a comment you’ve added.  Those features are on the way though.