The dance for this week is an easy, but fun Irish set dance that’s also known as the Connemara Jig set. Foraer A Neaintin was originally danced as a half-set and you’ll often find that the first three figures are shortened to omit the second tops and sides repeats. Some people just want to get to the next dance I suppose. Click through for notes and links to video and music references.
Tag: video
Dance Of The Week – The Birr Set
The dance for this week is an easy Irish set dance called the Birr Set. It’s got four figures and has some similarities with the Caledonian Set.
Click through for notes and video links for each figure.
Dance Of The Week – Williamstown Set
The dance for this week is a lively Irish set called the Williamstown Set from the Roscomman area. It has a good variety of movements and includes a fast strip the willow in the final figure! Click through for notes and video links (for each figure).
New Feature – Figure Videos
Rather than a lot of text explaining the new feature, here’s a video to show how it works.
Alternatively, if you’re not in a video watching mood, head over to the North Kerry Set and click on the blue video icon above the first figure
Dance Of The Week – Boston Two Step
The dance for this week is an easy two hand that’s good for formal dances as well as more energetic ceili’s. You can dance it straight with as much decorum as you like, or raise the energy level up a few notches and give yourself a dancing workout.
Click through for notes and video.
Dance Of The Week – Rakes of Mallow
The dance for this week is a relatively easy Irish ceili dance that’s good for beginners and experienced dancers alike. The Rakes of Mallow is a classic Ar Rince Foirne dance that you can find being danced pretty much world-wide. Click through for notes and video links.
Dance Of The Week – 8 Hand Reel
The Dance Of The Week for this week is a challenging 8 hand reel that’s commonly danced at feiseanna. The 8 Hand Reel doesn’t have any moves that are particularly difficult but it requires precise movements and will give you a good cardio workout.
Click through for notes and video links.
Dance Of The Week – Siege of Carrick
The dance for this week is an easy Irish ceili dance called the Siege of Carrick.
It’s a classic Ar Rince Fiorne dance in progressive form that’s good for any ceili.
Click through for notes and video.
New Dance – The Old Philadelphia Set
This is an odd bird of a set in that it mixes reels and marches in the final figure. Also, unlike most modern sets this one uses the elbow ceili hold (right hand in right with the right elbows bent and the hands in front with left hands cupping your partner’s right elbow).
If anyone has any video of this set being danced, let us know!
Dance Of The Week – Shoe The Donkey
The Dance Of The Week for this week is a very simple two-hand dance that’s easy to learn but will give you a workout if danced until either the band or dancers wear out. Best danced with a room packed with people.
Click through for notes and video links.