Dance Of The Week – Foraer A Neaintin

The dance for this week is an easy, but fun Irish set dance that’s also known as the Connemara Jig set.  Foraer A Neaintin was originally danced as a half-set and you’ll often find that the first three figures are shortened to omit the second tops and sides repeats. Some people just want to get to the next dance I suppose.  Click through for notes and links to video and music references.

New Dance – The Old Philadelphia Set

This is an odd bird of a set in that it mixes reels and marches in the final figure.  Also, unlike most modern sets this one uses the elbow ceili hold (right hand in right with the right elbows bent and the hands in front with left hands cupping your partner’s right elbow).

If anyone has any video of this set being danced, let us know!

The Old Philadelphia Set