Eight Hand Jig

Category: Irish Ceili/Ceilidh

The formation for the Eight Hand Jig is similar to set and square dance with four couples arranged as a square with the leading tops with their back to the music.
Leading sides are to the left of leading tops. The other two couples are opposite tops and opposite sides.
The first tops and opposite sides are said to be “contrary” to each other while the opposite tops and leading sides are “contrary” to each other. This notation is used in the Back to Back portion of the body.
The following is “by the book” though some sources include an extra ladies, chain, and body before the final 40 bar finish.
Tag: Ar Rince Foirne

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Repeating (Jig)

320 Bars + 8 bar lead-in

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1 Everyone
Lead Around, lead back Partners take inside hands and lead around counter-clockwise back to home. Release hands and turn toward each other to face clockwise. Take inside hands again and lead back to home position.
When danced for competition or show, care should be taken to keep equal distance between the couples.
2 Extended Sides Gentlemen sidestep to the right behind their partner, ladies sidestep to the left, in front (2b) and finish with rise and grind (4b).  Sidestep back to place ending with rise and grind (4b). 8
3 Skip Across The gentlemen promenade step cross to opposite ladies, tops slightly ahead of sides, passing right arm to right (2b). Turn ladies with left hand in left (2b) and pass to lady on the right of their original position (2b). Turn around this lady with right hand in right (2b). Gents again cross to opposite ladies (2b), turn with left hand in left (2b) and pass to own their partner (2b) where they turn with right hand in right at home (2b). 16
4 Return chain Leading tops half-turn in place to face outward from the circle and at the same time the other couples swing into line behind the leading tops (2b) with the first sides behind first tops, seconds sides next and second tops at the end of the line, all facing the band.
Leading couple turn away from each other and lead to the back of the line with the others following.  Gents follwing the top gent, ladies following the top lady.  Continue to the starting point until all are back facing the band again. (6b)
Release hands, everyone half turn to face their partners and dance rising-step on both feet (4b). Take right hands and turn into original position (4b).
5 Set all around Partners take right hands and turn half-round. Gents keep partner's right hand and take the left hand of lady on the left so that the gents are all facing outwards with ladies facing in as in Back to Back movement of 8-Hand reel (2b). Everyone dance the rising-step (2b), release right hands and gentlemen turn around the lady on left (2b). Gents give right hand to their own partner and turn once in place (2b). Leading tops and leading sides dance (house) around each other while opposite tops and opposite sides do the same (8b).  Hands should be held out from the body and up high. 16
6 Top Couples
Advance and Retire Advance and retire twice (8b) then partners take hands (ladies crossed with right over left) and dance around the opposite couple (house) inside the set (8b).
7 Side Couples
Advance and Retire Advance and retire twice (8b) then partners take hands (ladies crossed with right over left) and dance around the opposite couple (house) inside the set (8b).
8 Everyone
Dance 2 to 5 Repeat the body
9 Top Couples
Right and Left Chain Give right hands to the opposite person and chain around the set with promenade step, alternating hands until everyone is back in their original position.  Gents moving clockwise and ladies moving counter-clockwise.
10 Gents right hands across Gents cross, turn around the opposite lady with right hands (4b) and cross back to turn around their own partners with left hands (4b). Gents dance a full turn in the center with right hands, continue to turn around the opposite lady with left hands and promenade back to place, passing right shoulder to right shoulder (8b) 16
11 House House around the opposite couple, inside the set with arms held high. 8
12 Side Couples
Right and Left Chain Give right hands to the opposite person and chain around the set with promenade step, alternating hands until everyone is back in their original position.  Gents moving clockwise and ladies moving counter-clockwise.
13 Gents right hands across Gents cross, turn around the opposite lady with right hands (4b) and cross back to turn around their own partners with left hands (4b). Gents dance a full turn in the center with right hands, continue to turn around the opposite lady with left hands and promenade back to place, passing right shoulder to right shoulder (8b) 16
14 House House around the opposite couple, inside the set with arms held high. 8
15 Everyone
Dance 2 to 5 Repeat the body
16 The Finish Join hands in circle, with hands held high. Advance to centre (2b), retire (2b), repeat (4b). Sidestep anticlockwise and finish with two short threes (4b). Sidestep back ending with two short threes (4b).
Advance and retire twice again (8b). Sidestep clockwise and back (8b).
Each couple takes hands (ladies crossed right over left) and swings anticlockwise around the full set to home (8b).
Added on 2013-11-09 13:31:59.
Modified on 2014-06-07 22:41:38.
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