Borlin Jenny Reel Set

Category: Irish Set

This set comes from the Borlin Valley area of County Cork. It was revived by Olive Lynch of Bantry and a slightly different version was taught by dancing teacher Timmy MacCarthy at the Gaiway International Set Dancing Festival in 1998. Gentle reel steps are danced, except for the square, where all dance a lively skip’reel step.
Description from The Flowing Tide by Pat Murphy, reproduced by permission.

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Figure 1: The star (Reel)

88 Bars + 8 bar lead-in

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1 Everyone
Lead around Holding right hands
2 Adv & retire twice Holding right hand in right. 8
3 Top Couples
Star (wheel) Top couples dance the star with the side couple on their right, joining right hands (4b) and left hands (4b).
4 Everyone
Square All couples dance the square in waltz hold: the gents dance forward as the ladies reverse to the position on the right, dance two bars on the spot turning slightly, then gents reverse as the ladies dance forward to the next position, dance two bars there and repeat all the movements as they continue dancing around the set to home. (Another way of dancing this square is for the ladies to dance forward beside the gents during the first and third part of the square; they also dance forward during the second and fourth parts.)
5 House in waltz hold 8
6 Repeat 2 to 5 Side couples dance the star this time. 40

Figure 2: Advance and retire (Reel)

88 Bars + 8 bar lead-in

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1 Everyone
Lead around
2 Adv, retire and lead opposite All couples advance and retire once, right hand in right. As they retire, gents bring their right arm back over the lady’s head to rest it on her shoulder and lead anticlockwise to the opposite position, where ladies turn clockwise to face into the set. 8
3 Adv, retire & lead home Repeat movement back home 8
4 Square as in the first figure 16
5 House 8
6 Repeat 2 to 5 40

Figure 3: Advance and swing (Reel)

88 Bars + 8 bar lead-in

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1 Everyone
Lead around
2 Advance and swing All couples advance and retire once, right hand in right (4b) then gents swing with the lady on their left (4b). 8
3 Repeat to home 8
4 Square as in the first figure 16
5 House 8
6 Repeat 2 to 5 40

Figure 4: Sidestep (Reel)

72 Bars + 8 bar lead-in

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1 Everyone
Lead around holding crossed hands
2 Sidestep All sidestep past their own partner, dance for two bars on the spot, sidestep back to place and dance for two bars again. Whichever partner is dancing to the right passes behind the other partner. 8
3 Square as in the first figure 16
4 House 8
5 Repeat 2 to 4 32

Figure 5: Chain (Reel)

104 Bars + 8 bar lead-in

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1 Everyone
Lead around holding crossed hands
2 Chain Holding their partner’s right hand, all turn clockwise to their partner’s position, then chain all round, gents dancing clockwise and ladies anticlockwise. 16
3 Swing 8
4 Square as in the first figure 16
5 House 8
6 Repeat 2 to 5 48

Figure 6: Wheel (Reel)

104 Bars + 8 bar lead-in

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1 Everyone
Lead around holding crossed hands.
2 Ladies
Ladies Wheel The four ladies join right hands in the centre, dance around halfway, join left hands and dance back to place.
3 Gents
Gents Wheel The four gents join right hands in the centre, dance around halfway, join left hands and dance back to place.
4 Everyone
Lead around Keeping their left hands in the centre, each gent places his right arm around the lady, she places her left hand on his shoulder and all lead around.
5 Square 16
6 House 8
7 Repeat 2 to 6 48
Added on 2012-02-27 04:36:29.
Modified on 2013-05-19 22:05:35.
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