Cuchulainn Set

Category: Irish Set

This set, was demonstrated for me by Michael and Kathleen McGlynn at their Cooley Workshop in June 2004. Jigs are danced to the “down” or “polka” step. Thanks to Michael, Kathleen and their dancing friends for their help and hospitality during my visit.
Added from Notes in Apples In Winter by Pat Murphy.  Used with permission.

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Figure 1: Lead with the lady (Jig)

128 Bars + 8 bar lead-in

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1 Everyone
Advance & Retire 2x All advance and retire twice in a circle.
2 Swing All couples swing in waltz hold. 8
3 1st Tops
House First top couple house inside.
4 Square Taking right hand in right, first top couple dance to the centre (1, 2, 3, kick or lift), change places, right shoulder to right, with the lady turning anticlockwise under the gents arm as he dances clockwise past her to face back home, then dance back to home and change places again, with the lady repeating the turn as the gent dances around outside her to place. 8
5 Everyone
Swing All couples swing in waltz hold.
6 1st Sides
Dance 3 to 5 First side couple (on the left) lead, then all couples swing again.
7 2nd Tops
Dance 3 to 5
8 2nd Sides
Dance 3 to 5
9 Everyone
Advance & Retire, Swing All couples advance and retire in a circle, then all swing in place again.

Figure 2: Back to back (Reel)

144 Bars + 8 bar lead-in

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1 Everyone
Advance & Retire 2x All advance and retire twice in a circle.
2 Swing All couples swing in waltz hold. 8
3 Top Gents
Gents Back 2 Back Gents dance back to back, passing right shoulder to right on the way forward and left shoulder to left as they retire back to place.
4 Top Ladies
Ladies Back 2 Back Ladies dance back to back, passing left shoulder to left on the way forward and right shoulder to right as they retire back to place.
5 Tops
Swing Top couples swing in place.
6 Back 2 Back Couples dance forward, with each lady passing back to back with the opposite gent. They pass right shoulder to right on the way over and left shoulder to left on the way back. All four dancers turn clockwise in their own places during the last two bars. 8
7 Ladies Chain ladies chain with right hands in the centre and turn clockwise under the opposite gent’s arm. They dance back to place and turn under their own partner’s right arm into place. 8
8 Swing In Four Top couples swing in four in the centre, hands around the waist. 8
9 Everyone
Swing All couples swing in place.
10 Sides
Dance 3 to 9
11 Everyone
Advance & Retire, Swing All couples advance and retire in a circle, then all swing in place again.

Figure 3: Queen maeve (Reel)

128 Bars + 8 bar lead-in

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1 Everyone
Advance & Retire 2x All advance and retire twice in a circle.
2 Ceili swing Swing in céilí hold, dancing out the last two bars. 8
3 1st Tops
House Inside House inside in Connemara style - holding crossed hands.
4 Everyone
Dance At Home All couples dance on the spot facing their partners, showing their steps during the last two bars.
5 Swing In Ceili Hold All couples swing in place in céilí hold, dancing out the last two bars. 8
6 Repeat 3 to 5 Repeat with first sides, second tops and second sides leading in turn. 72
7 Advance & Retire, Swing All couples advance and retire in a circle, then all swing in place again, dancing out the last two bars. 16

Figure 4: St. Brigid's Cross (Hornpipe)

144 Bars + 8 bar lead-in

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1 Everyone
Advance & Retire 2x All advance and retire twice in a circle.
2 Ladies
Dance In & To The Next Gent The four ladies dance forward to the centre, turn slightly clockwise to face the man on their right, dancing (1, 2, 123, twice), then dance around him, left shoulder to left into the lady’s place beside him on his right.
3 Gents
St Brigid's Cross The four gents join right hands in a St Brigid’s Cross hold in the centre, with each gent holding the right wrist of the gent in front and dance half way around. They then turn, join left hands the same way and dance back to place.
4 Everyone
Lead Around Keeping his left hand in the centre, each gent places his right arm around the waist of his new partner and she places her left hand on his shoulder. All lead around in this formation.
5 Repeat 1 to 4 Repeat until all are leading around with their own partners again. 96
6 Advance & Retire 2x All advance and retire twice in a circle. 8
7 House House around, doubling the last two bars. 8
Added on 2016-12-05 21:30:31.
Modified on 2024-10-17 12:29:15.
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