Kilfenora Plain Set

Category: Irish Set

This plain set, which was danced mostly to quadrille music around Kilfenora in previous times, ws passed on to me by Michael Slattery of Kilfenora.  A written description of the movements as the set was danced were given to the late John Byrt by his uncle Tom Byrt in 1963.  John’s brother George is a noted piano and keyboard player with various Clare Ceili Bands over many years.  These notes were found in John’s house when he passed away in 1975 and they were given to Michael Slattery by John Byrt’s son Enda.  Description from Apples In Winter by Pat Murphy.
The notes used below are not those as given in Apples In Winter but are an early transcription to DanceMinder of shorthand calling notes.

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Figure 1: Square (Reel)

88 Bars + 8 bar lead-in

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1 Everyone
Lead around Gent's arm around lady's waist and her left hand on his shoulder
2 Set and swing Face partners and dance four 3s in place (4 bars) then swing with waltz hold. 8
3 Top Couples
Square Couples square without taking hands. Pass through with ladies in the center. Left shoulder with partner, pass back with ladies in the center and pass your partner again left to left.
4 Ladies chain Danced with hands low, ladies take right hands in the center, turn around the gent with left hand and pass the lady back to place. 8
5 Pass though, lead back Couples square halfway and lead back to place counter-clockwise with hands held in front. 8
6 Everyone
Set and swing
7 Side Couples
Dance 3 to 5
8 Everyone
Set and swing
9 House Everyone house around the set 8

Figure 2: Crossover (Jig)

104 Bars + 8 bar lead-in

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1 Everyone
Lead around
2 Set and swing 8
3 Adv & retire Top couples, advance/retire twice, R hand in R, as tops retire, sides advance 8
4 Crossover As sides retire tops cross over turning ladies 1/2 turn clockwise underarm 8
5 Repeat adv & crossover to return home Repeat both the adv & retire and the crossover to return to home positions 16
6 Set and swing 8
7 Repeat 3 to 5 Repeat with side couples leading 32
8 Set and swing 8
9 House 8

Figure 3: Lineup (Reel)

168 Bars + 8 bar lead-in

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1 Everyone
Lead around
2 Set and swing 8
3 Top Couples
Slow turn Top gent, opposite lady advance and take right hands, dance a slow turn clockwise in the center of the set.
4 Swing Top gent and opposite lady swing in center 8
5 Line up Top gent, opposite lady advance and take left hands, dance slow turn counter-clockwise in center to own side, give right hands to partners and dance in line counter-clockwise to opposite positions. 8
6 Adv, retire and pass through Top gent and opposite lady advance and retire once, bowing as they retire, both couples dance back to place, pass partners left shoulder to return to place. 8
7 Repeat 3 to 6 Top couples repeat with 2nd gent leading 32
8 Everyone
Set and swing
9 Side Couples
Dance 3 to 6 Repeat with 1st side gent (on left) leading
10 Repeat 3 to 6 Repeat with 2nd side gent leading 32
11 Everyone
Set and swing
12 House 8

Figure 4: Wheelbarrow (Reel)

232 Bars + 8 bar lead-in

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1 Everyone
Lead around
2 Set and swing 8
3 Top Couples
Ladies Chain
4 Set and swing 8
5 1st Tops
House inside 1st top couple house inside and leave the lady on the left of the 2nd top gent.
6 Top Couples
Wheelbarrow With the 1st top gent holding the ladies inside hands and 2nd gent holding their outside hands, the formation advances, retires, advances (6 bars), ladies turn to stand beside the 1st gent without turning under the gents arms. The formation again advances, retires, advances, the ladies turn to face each other to form a little christmas.
7 Little Christmas Swing in four with the hands around the waist. 8
8 Repeat 3 to 7 Repeat with 2nd tops leading 48
9 Everyone
Set and swing
10 Side Couples
Dance 3 to 7 Repeat movement with 1st sides leading
11 Repeat 3 to 7 Repeat movement with 2nd sides leading 48
12 Everyone
Set and swing
13 House 8

Figure 5: Sevens (Jig)

104 Bars + 8 bar lead-in

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1 Everyone
Lead around in waist hold Gent's arm around lady's waist and her left hand on his shoulder
2 Set and swing 8
3 Top Couples
7's in, back and across In waltz hold top couples dance 7's to the center and back, then 7's to opposite place
4 Ladies chain 8
5 Set and swing 8
6 7's in, back and across In waltz hold top couples dance 7's to the center and back, then 7's back home 8
7 Everyone
Set and swing
8 Side Couples
Dance 3 to 6
9 Everyone
Set and swing
10 House 8

Figure 6: Mixer (Hornpipe)

152 Bars + 8 bar lead-in

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Can also be danced to a Quadrille
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1 Everyone
Adv & retire twice in a circle
2 Swing In waltz hold 8
3 All body All in waltz hold, dance 1 bar into the set & 1 bar back out then turn 2 bars on to the next place on the R (4 bars). Repeat into each place until back home. 16
4 Adv & retire, ladies move on Advance/retire once, ladies join right hands in center dance 3/4 way around to gent to the right of their starting position. 8
5 Swing In waltz hold 8
6 Repeat 3 to 5 Repeat until ladies are swinging with their partners again. 96
7 House 8
Added on 2011-07-24 10:20:58.
Modified on 2015-10-06 18:45:05.
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