Lakyle Set

Category: Irish Set

This set from County Clare is an early version of the well-known Paris Set. It is described here as danced by famous Labasheeda dancing master Dan Furey and his dancers, for an earlier recording made for Scór in 1983. At this time, the Dance Committee set up by Scór recorded set dances from many different parts of Ireland, in order to help spread the dances to areas which did not have traditional sets of their own, so that they could learn traditional sets for early Scór competitions.
Notes by Pat Murphy from Set Dancing News

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Figure 1: House (Reel)

120 Bars + 8 bar lead-in

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1 Everyone
Lead Around Lead around holding crossed hands in front. During the last two bars, each lady turns clockwise under her partner’s raised hands.
2 Swing In waltz hold. 8
3 Tops
House House around each other.
4 Everyone
Set Left All dancers turn clockwise on the spot turning away from their partners to finish facing the person on the other side. Gents finish facing the lady on their left while ladies finish facing the gent on their right (2b). All now dance in waltz hold with the person facing them and gents finish one position left of their own (6b).
5 Set Right All turn clockwise on the spot again, this time to finish facing their own original partners with gents almost back in their own original places, slightly inside the lady (2b), then all couples dance at home (6b). 8
6 Sides
House House around each other.
7 Everyone
Set Left and Right Dance the Set Left and Set Right again.
8 Repeat 3 to 7 Top couples and side couples leading again in turn. 48
9 House House around to finish the figure. 8

Figure 2: The Star (Reel)

104 Bars + 8 bar lead-in

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1 Everyone
Lead Around Lead around holding crossed hands in front. During the last two bars, each lady turns clockwise under her partner’s raised hands.
2 Swing In waltz hold. 8
3 Tops
House House around each other. During the last bar of music, all clap.
4 Everyone
Gents Star The four gents join right hands in the centre to form a star and dance halfway around (4b), then join left hands and dance back to place (4b). While the gents are dancing the star in the centre, all the ladies dance to the right, or anti-clockwise, around the outside (4b) and then turn and dance back to place so that all finish facing their own partners in place (4b).
5 Dance at home Dance at home in waltz hold. 8
6 Set Left All dancers turn clockwise on the spot turning away from their partners to finish facing the person on the other side. Gents finish facing the lady on their left while ladies finish facing the gent on their right (2b). All now dance in waltz hold with the person facing them and gents finish one position left of their own (6b). 8
7 Set Right All turn clockwise on the spot again, this time to finish facing their own original partners with gents almost back in their own original places, slightly inside the lady (2b), then all couples dance at home (6b). 8
8 Sides
House House around each other. Again, during the last bar of music, all clap.
9 Everyone
Ladies Star The four ladies join right hands in the centre to form a star and dance half way around (4b), then join left hands and dance back to place (4b). While the ladies are dancing the star in the centre, all the gents dance to the right, or anticlockwise, around the outside (4b) then turn in and dance back to place so that all finish facing their own partners in place (4b).
10 Dance at home Dance at home in waltz hold. 8
11 Set Left and Right Dance the Set Left and Set Right again. 16
12 House House around to finish the figure. 8

Figure 3: Travelling House (Reel)

136 Bars + 8 bar lead-in

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1 Everyone
Lead Around Lead around holding crossed hands in front. During the last two bars, each lady turns clockwise under her partner’s raised hands.
2 Swing In waltz hold. 8
3 Top Gents
House & move on Top couples house around each other. The gents leave the ladies back in their own places (6b), then move on turning clockwise to the side ladies on their left, taking waltz hold. They finish between the side couple, facing the lady (2b).
4 House & move on House with side ladies, leaving the side ladies back in their own places (6b) then move on turning clockwise to the opposite top ladies, now on their left, taking waltz hold (2b). 8
5 House & move on House with the opposite top ladies, leaving the ladies back in their own places (6b) then move on turning clockwise to the other side ladies, now on their left, taking waltz hold (2b). 8
6 House & move home House with the second side ladies, leaving the ladies back in their own places (6b), then move on turning clockwise to face their own partners at home (2b). 8
7 Everyone
Dance at home Dance at home in waltz hold.
8 Set Left All dancers turn clockwise on the spot turning away from their partners to finish facing the person on the other side. Gents finish facing the lady on their left while ladies finish facing the gent on their right (2b). All now dance in waltz hold with the person facing them and gents finish one position left of their own (6b). 8
9 Set Right All turn clockwise on the spot again, this time to finish facing their own original partners with gents almost back in their own original places, slightly inside the lady (2b), then all couples dance at home (6b). 8
10 Repeat 3 to 9 With side couples leading. This time side gents dance with each of the ladies in turn. 56
11 House House around to finish the figure. 8

Figure 4: Doubles! (Fling)

144 Bars + 8 bar lead-in

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1 Everyone
Lead Around Lead around holding crossed hands in front. During the last two bars, each lady turns clockwise under her partner’s raised hands.
2 Swing In waltz hold. 8
3 Tops
Doubles across In waltz hold, dance one step to the centre and back (2b), then double in place (2b). They next dance one step to the centre and back (2b), then house across to opposite positions, dancing a half turn only (2b).
4 Doubles home Repeat last movement, starting in opposite positions and finishing back at home. 8
5 Cross & house Gents cross right shoulder to right and turn left arm in left around the opposite ladies, then cross back home and take waltz hold with their own partners (4b). Next, top couples dance one step to the centre and back (2b), then house to opposite positions dancing a half turn only (2b). 8
6 Double home In waltz hold,continue turning. They dance one turn in place in opposite positions to finish facing back home in the lady’s position (2b), then dance a double back to their own home places (2b). 4
7 Sides
Dance 3 to 6 Starting on the fifth bar of music, immediately after top couples double back to home, side couples dance.
8 Everyone
Dance 3 to 6 Top couples and side couples dancing the sequence again.
9 Dance at home Dance at home in waltz hold. 8
10 House House around, doubling the last turn into their own places. 8

Figure 5: Around The Set (Hornpipe)

152 Bars + 8 bar lead-in

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1 Everyone
Advance and retire Advance and retire twice, holding hands in a circle.
2 Chain Taking their partner’s right hand in right, all chain around the set to home, gents going to the right and ladies to the left (12b) then dance at home (4b). 16
3 1st Tops
House Inside First top couple house inside and finish facing Out towards their own position, the lady on the right of the gent.
4 Everyone
House around The other three couples house around the standing couple and line up behind them. All gents are on the left of the line up and ladies are on the right.
5 March around Gents march around to their left and ladies to their right in two semi-circles, to meet at the back (4b) and march up the centre to the top holding inside hands raised (4b). When the leading couple reach their own position, they turn to lace left and all couples take waltz hold. The last couple in line may not have reached each other yet from the march at this point: If not, they dance into waltz hold and house from there. 8
6 House House around to their own places. 8
7 Repeat 3 to 6 Repeat three times with first side couple (on the left), second top couple and second side couple leading in turn. 96
Added on 2015-02-05 20:04:01.
Modified on 2015-08-10 21:35:59.
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