Category: Irish Set
The Moate Set was established in the 1940’s and danced locally at house dances. The Set was revived in the 1980’s by Frank Bracken and danced locally in Dun Na Sí CCE Cultural Centre used by the local set dancers. In 1992 Joe and Siobhán O Donovan did a workshop in Dun Na Sí to keep the set alive. In 2014 Bridie Hamm, Tom Shine, Nicky Finn and Sharleen McCaffrey got together to bring the set into the next generation.
Added from original notes written by Padraig Mc Eneany
Music for this dance is available on Give it a Lift by Rise The Dust
Here is Padraig teaching the St. Brigid’s Cross movement of the 4th figure
Figure 1: Lead on and swing (Polka)
112 Bars + 8 bar lead-in
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1 | Everyone Body All couples in waltz hold dance the body, in, out and turn clockwise to next position on right. Repeat this movement back to home. |
16 |
2 | Swing | 8 |
3 | Lead on With right hand held over the lady’s shoulder and left hand in front, all couples lead one place to left. (4 bars) gents then dance in place, turning to meet the oncoming lady as ladies continue on to next position (opposite original). | 8 |
4 | Swing | 8 |
5 | Repeat 3 and 4 Repeat three more times with gents moving on one place each time and ladies moving on two places each time. | 48 |
6 | Body | 16 |
7 | Swing | 8 |
Figure 2: Slide & shoulder (Slide)
96 Bars + 8 bar lead-in
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1 | Everyone Body |
16 |
2 | Swing | 8 |
3 | Slide & Shoulder In waltz hold dance on the spot (4 bars), all couples slide to centre (4b) (1 2, 1 2, 1 2 and 1 2 3) and dance on the spot in the centre (4b). All couples repeat the slide back to home. (4b) | 16 |
4 | Swing | 8 |
5 | Dance in place, ladies sidestep Holding right hand in right, dance in place with partner (4b). Change places, ladies in front of gents, under the gents’ hand to finish on his left side, still facing into the set. (4b) All couples dance in place (4b) change places ladies behind gents, gents bring their hands over their own heads, still facing into the set. (4b) | 16 |
6 | Swing | 8 |
7 | Body | 16 |
8 | Swing | 8 |
Figure 3: Saw and basket (Polka)
104 Bars + 8 bar lead-in
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1 | Everyone Body |
16 |
2 | Swing | 8 |
3 | Lead around to the right and dance in place With gents holding ladies' right hand in right on ladies' shoulder and left hand in left in front, lead around one position to right (2b) and dance on the spot (2b). Without releasing hands, ladies dance sideways left, in front of partner, as gents dance to the right, bringing left hands onto ladies’ left shoulder and holding right hands in front (2b). All dance on the spot (2b), ladies and gents having swapped places. All couples dance on to next position and dance on the spot (4b), then swap places again and dance on the spot (4b). Repeat until home, but instead of swapping places the final time, move into the back to back formation. Top gents turn left, side gents turn right as their ladies make a quarter turn to their right without letting go of their partner's right hand. Gents take left hand in left with corner ladies to form a circle in four with ladies facing out and gents facing each other (4b). |
32 |
4 | Circle in four Keeping the two circles of four with ladies back to back, all dance on the spot (4b). All still holding hands, top gents sweep their arms and ladies' near hands out, up, and down into the center while side gents hold the ladies' near hands low in the center (3b). All drop hands and switch to the Little Christmas hold. (1b) | 8 |
5 | Little Christmas and Swing Swing in four, break out of swing and continue swinging own partner. | 16 |
6 | Body In waltz hold dance the body, in, out and turn clockwise to next position on right. Repeat this movement back to home. All swing. | 16 |
7 | Swing | 8 |
Figure 4: St. Brigid's Cross (Polka)
88 Bars + 8 bar lead-in
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1 | Everyone Body |
16 |
2 | Swing | 8 |
3 | St. Brigid's Cross Everyone moves at the same time, ladies dancing one pattern while the gents dance another. Ladies: All ladies dance to the centre of set (2b); turn 90° left / anticlockwise on the spot (2b). Ladies dance out to position on left of original position (2b) and turn 180° clockwise into place (2b). Repeat these 8 bars three times until home, turning to face their partner at the end. Gents:
32 |
4 | All swing All couples swing | 8 |
5 | Body | 16 |
6 | Swing | 8 |
Figure 5: The hop (Hornpipe)
120 Bars + 8 bar lead-in
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1 | Everyone Body |
16 |
2 | House | 8 |
3 | Ladies move on Gents dance in to centre and back out while the ladies dance to next position on right, turning once. New couples now turn clockwise to next position on right. Continue the body to get back to gent’s original position. | 16 |
4 | House | 8 |
5 | Repeat 3 and 4 Repeat until back dancing with your original partner. | 72 |
Added on 2015-11-23 11:08:25.
Modified on 2017-12-04 19:53:33.
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Modified on 2017-12-04 19:53:33.
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