Portmagee Jig Set (Meserts, Miserks)

Category: Irish Set

This set, as remembered by Joseph Falvey of Portmagee, County Kerry, was recorded by Muiris O’Brien.
The step used throughout the dance is the ‘rising’ jig step (slight skip/hop, 2, 3, 4).
Notes from Toss the Feathers by Pat Murphy. Reproduced with permission.

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Figure 1: Swing ladies (Jig)

240 Bars + 8 bar lead-in

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1 Everyone
Lead around All couples lead around, the gent’s arm around the lady’s waist and her hand on his shoulder.
2 House & double All couples house around, doubling the last two bars. 8
3 1st Tops
Figure in Dance 'sevens' in and back (4b) then dance in place turning once (4b).
4 Swing In waltz hold. 8
5 1st top gent
Swing the first side lady (on his left), after she crosses to change places with his own partner, passing left shoulder to left with her.
6 Swing with opposite lady In (his) place with opposite (second top) lady. The two ladies change places passing left shoulder to left. 8
7 Swing with second side lady Again, the two ladies change places passing left shoulder to left. All now have new partners. 8
8 Everyone
Dance 1 to 7 With first side gent, second top gent and second side gent leading in turn. All of them figure in with first top lady.
9 Lead around With their original partners. 8
10 House & double House around, doubling the last two bars. 8

Figure 2: Swing in three (Jig)

144 Bars + 8 bar lead-in

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1 Everyone
Lead around & house As in figure 1.
2 1st Tops
Figure in Dance 'sevens' in and back (4b) then dance in place turning once (4b).
3 Swing in three With the lady on the left (first side lady). 8
4 Everyone
Dance 1 to 3 Repeat three times, with first side couple, second top couple and second side couple leading in turn. All of them swing with the lady on their left.
5 Lead around & house 16

Figure 3: Turn the ladies (Jig)

144 Bars + 8 bar lead-in

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1 Everyone
Lead around & house As in figure 1.
2 1st Tops
Figure in Dance 'sevens' in and back (4b) then dance in place turning once (4b).
3 Turn the lady Top lady turns clockwise four times, right hand in right, under her partner's arm as he dances on the spot. 8
4 Everyone
Lead around & house
5 1st Sides
Figure in
6 Turn the ladies First top lady and first side lady turn four times under the gents’ arms. 8
7 Everyone
Lead around & house
8 2nd Tops
Figure in
9 Turn the ladies First top lady, first side lady and second top lady turn four times. 8
10 Everyone
Lead around & house
11 2nd Sides
Figure in
12 Everyone
Turn the ladies All ladies turn clockwise four times under their partners arms.
13 Lead around & house 16

Figure 4: High gates (Jig)

144 Bars + 8 bar lead-in

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1 Everyone
Lead around & house As in figure 1.
2 1st Tops
Figure in Dance 'sevens' in and back (4b) then dance in place turning once (4b).
3 High gates then alternate lady dances under the arch he makes with his lady (4b). 8
4 Everyone
Dance 1 to 3 With first side couple, second top couple and second side couple leading in turn.
5 Lead around & house 16

Figure 5: Line up (Jig)

216 Bars + 8 bar lead-in

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1 Everyone
Lead around & house As in figure 1.
2 1st Tops
Figure in Finish facing out of their own position.
3 1st Sides
Figure in And line up behind top couple.
4 2nd Tops
Figure in And line up in third position.
5 2nd Sides
Figure in As follows: they dance ‘sevens’ towards the back, turn slightly clockwise, dance ‘sevens’, leading on the other foot, through second top position (4b)
6 Everyone
With top gent and lady leading, gents circle to the left and ladies to the right. They go around once, meeting their partners at the back and dancing up the centre with them, gent’s arm around the lady’s waist (8b). Then all couples lead around (8b).
7 Repeat 2 to 6 Repeat three times, with first side couple, second top couple and second side couple leading in turn. The last couple to line up dance figure in each time. 144
8 House around Doubling the last two bars. 8
Added on 2013-05-27 09:03:32.
Modified on 2023-10-19 13:25:35.
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