Rince Fada

Category: Irish Ceili/Ceilidh

A long dance for any number of couples. Form a set of two opposite two, gent on the left, lady on the right facing another couple. Repeat down the hall. Each odd couple and the couple immediately below them form a set.
Tag: Ar Rince Foirne

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Repeating (Jig)

32 Bars + 8 bar lead-in

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1 Everyone
Rise and grind Each person faces diagonally across their set and dances a rise and grind on the right foot and then the left.
2 Right hand wheel Each set join right hands in the center and dance clockwise with the promenade step. 4
3 Rise and grind Each person faces diagonally across their set and dances a rise and grind on the left foot and then the right. 4
4 Left hand wheel Each set join left hands in the center and dance counter-clockwise with the promenade step. 4
5 Advance down the center Odd gents take their partners right hand in their left and the couples dance down the line with promenade step (2b). Release hands and reverse (2b). Dance back up the set and cast off outside to just below the even couple. 8
6 Swing around Take crossed hands with your partner and swing around the other couple back to your current place. The dance is now repeated with couple 1 dancing with couple 4, couple 3 with 6 and the end couples standing while the rest of the set dances. The dance is repeated until the dancers or musicians pass out. 8
Added on 2011-08-16 19:16:54.
Modified on 2015-07-19 21:53:35.
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