Category: Irish Ceili/Ceilidh
The waves in this dance are meant to represent the waves so frequently seen around the island of Tory off the north coast of Donegal. Tonnaí Thoraigh is a Long Dance in Reel Time for any even number of couples. The dance is progressive and portions of the dance are done in sets of two couples.
Tagged: Ar Rince Foirne
Repeating (Reel)
104 Bars + 8 bar lead-in
1 | Everyone Advance and Retire The two lines advance towards each other with promenade step (2b) and retire back to place (2b). This movement is then repeated (4b). |
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2 | Right and left hands across Each set of four dancers give right hand across in the centre and dance around clockwise. On the last three release hands and turn in place (4b). They now give left hands across and wheel around anticlockwise to finish in lines again (4b). | 8 |
3 | Advance and Retire The two lines advance towards each other with promenade step (2b) and retire back to place (2b). This movement is then repeated (4b). |
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4 | Left and right hands across Each set of four dancers give left hand across in the centre and dance around clockwise. On the last three release hands and turn in place (4b). They now give right hands across and wheel around anticlockwise to finish in lines again (4b). | 8 |
5 | Lead off right and up the center All couples turn to gents left and take inside hands. The first couple lead off to the right and down to the bottom of the set followed by the other couples. First couple turn right again and lead up the centre to place with the other couples following. This movement and the following movements are usually done to march time music. |
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6 | Waves First couple release hands and turn in to face down the rest of the line. Take inside hands and raise them to form an arch. Promenade towards the second couple who pass under the arch made by the first couple. The second couple turn in to face down the line, take inside hands and make an arch. The first couple now exchange place with the third couple the same way except that the third couple makes the arch and the first couple pass under. The first couple continue the same way down to the bottom of the set, making arches and passing under every other time. As each couple reaches the top of the set they turn around, face down the hall, form an arch, and repeat the movement down the set as described for the first couple. When the first couple reaches the bottom of the set they turn around, pass under the arch of the oncoming couple and continue up the set making arches and passing under until they reach their original places. Each succeeding couple on arriving at the bottom of the set proceed up to their place again in the same manner as discribed for the first couple. As each couple reach their original place they should move immediately on to the next movement. While a fixed number of bars is listed for this movement, this one tends to be highly variable depending on the experience and height difference of the dancers. |
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7 | Cast off As the couples reach their original places they release hands and cast off, lady to the right and gent to the left and march down the set followed by the other dancers as they reach their original positions. When they reach the bottom, the first two couples take partners hands and raise them to form an arch. As the third couple reaches the bottom they take inside hands and pass under the arch and up to the top of the set, followed by the other dancers. When everyone has passed under the arches they form into two lines as at the beginning of the dance which is repeated with couples 3 and 4 at the top of the set. |
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Added on 2013-03-08 15:47:35.
Modified on 2013-11-19 22:29:31.
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Modified on 2013-11-19 22:29:31.
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